Netflix #StreamTeam and my new addiction

Ok so I hate it when a show is popular, I basically ignore it until everyone stops raving about it and then I can watch it in peace, usually when the second or third series has finished. 

Now if you are a Netflix fan you will more than likely of heard of Orange is the New black and if you haven’t heard of it, where have you been?

Set in a womens prison the programme follows Piper or Chapman as she is known as she settles into life in prison. You begin feeling sorry for her but you soon realise that she is tough enough to look after herself. You also get introduced to the other characters in the prison and each episode a different inmates back story is told. 

It is completely fascinating albeit slightly graphic at times but I absolutely love turning my laptop off and going to watch an episode or  two or three on my phone before I go to sleep and I completely blame it for the fact that I really don’t get enough sleep nowadays!

So as the nights draw in and you start staying in more I completely recommend that you get yourself comfortable and start watching Orange is the new Black. You will thank me!